TITAN 500 Smart Device, Gold, Metals, Gemstones, and diamond detector.
The TITAN 500 SMART device with remote sensing operates with four professional and innovative search systems in one devices specialized for detecting gold, precious metals, hidden treasures, diamonds, and gemstones underground.The search system ha long-range system power it search depth upto 120 meter and front range nearly 3000 meter, device weight is 592 gram, and total weight is 4865 gram, the paking dimensions are 530mmx400mmx228mm.Given warranty is two years and completely made in Germany
In incroportes modern and unique technology for explorers and enthusiasts, allowing them to search for gold, precious metals,hidden treasures, diamonds, and gemstones up to depths of 120 meters underground and a front range of 3000 square meters.GER detect and UIG Detectors having combined advanced technologies to make this devices the first of its kind globally.The specifications and features of this device fulfill the dreams of exlores and prospectors worldwide.
Specifications and search systems of the TITAN 500 SMART device include
- System for detecting gold, presious metals, and hidden tresures.
- System for detecting gemstones.
- System for detecting diamonds.
- Depth determination system and analysis of detected results underground.
The detection search system can detect 12 different type of metals with very accurate identification of the desired metal type under ground, such as ancient gold, raw gold, gold veins, platinum, silver, bronze.
The gremstone search system can detect 18 different types with very accurate identification of the desired underground stone type, such as sapphire, emerald, quartz, topaz, agate, amethyst etc..,
For More Details Visit Our website :- https://www.krbmetaldetectors.com/
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