Detector for treasure hunters with highest demands- including all features


Detector for treasure hunters with highest demands- including all features.

In the Exp 600 PRo Plus Customers found object to 25m (82ft) deep-check, their the treasure hunting, natural gold prospection,cavitiy detection. scan without sore muscles thanks to lighter countrol unit and telecopic rod as wll as extremely strong and lightweight carbon probes, achieve sucess faster thanks to 3D scan analaysis directly on control unit no additional equpiment needed thankls to ingrated high capacity batteries.

The EXP 6000 grouund scanner and metal detectors is one of OKM's top of the line detecting tools for tresure hunters, metal detectorists, archaeologists, prospectors, gold seekers and ground surveyours.This detectors is completely wireless and can be controlled via touchscreen,video eye glasses or notebook.It is the world first 3D ground scanner that innovative OKm Telescopic probe which can be extended to 124 cm (4 ft) This eXp 6000 locates ancient bronze vase in more that 4 m depth.A sucessful treasure hunter found a small ancient bronze vase in more than 4m depth with his ground scanner eXP 6000.

The control unit with touchscreen and mulitiligual graphical user interface is very easy to use. Different layouts and automatic brightness control allow the user to efficiently operate the detector even in varying ambient light conditions.The telescopic Rod can be adjusted to the user's body size in just a few simple steps.Its armrest is equiped with additonal pads for more ergonomics during the treasure hunt.Like many high-quality consumer and technical applications,the eXP 6000 probes are made of Cardon. This extremely rigid and light material allows tresure hunters to use the lightweight detector even more easily. Additionally,the probes estiblish a wireless data connection to the treasure detector to send the scan data directly to the control unit.Here the super sensor are more improtent,This specialized ground mesauring probe is one of the best ground scanner accessories on the market. By using this antenna, discrimination and pinpointing of buried objects is possible with ease. 

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