ADAM-4017 Analog Input Module: Advanced Data Acquisition for Industrial Automation

The Model Name/Number are ADAM-4017,This is a Isolation Protection 3000 VDC and having interface of RS-485 with 8 Channels with six differential, Two single-ended here the sampling Rate is 10 samples/sec (total).In order to comprehed and meet the diverse requirements of respectable clients,we are able to offer ADAM-4017 Analog input module.The offered range of 6-bit,8-channel analog input module is known for rendering programmable input range on all channels.In addition to this, the offered range is ideal for industrial measurement and monitoring applications.These prosuction consist of opt-isolated inputs that ensure to rendre 3000 vDC of isolation between the analog input and the module.Known for protection module and peripherals from damage, owing to high input-line voltages, the range is known for offering signal conditioning,A/D conversion, ranging and RS-485 digital communication functions.Beside protecting the equipment from ground loops and power surges by rendering opt-isolation up to 3000 VDC,the offered range transforms the sensor voltage or current into digital data by using a 16-bit microprocessor-controlled sigma-delta A/D converter.

The ADAM-4017 is a high-performance 8-channel analog input module designed for industrial automation and remote data acquisition applications.Here there are various input ranges, that including 0-20mA,±10V, and 4-20mA.Its 12-bit resolution and isolation proctection make it ideal for harsh environments where signal integraity is crucial.They Key advantages of the ADAM-4017 is it RS-485 communication interface,which enables long-distance and stable data transmission using the modbus/RTU protocol.This make integration with SCADA systems, PLCs, and industral computers seamless and efficient. 

 The Engaged in offering Remote I-o Modules to the clients.The offered range of  remote i-o modules is manufactured utilizing high grande components and advanced machinery is strict compliance with the industry laid norms and standards.This range we offer Remote I/o  Modules, 1-Port Modbus gateway.

Its 12-bit resolutation and isolation protection make it ideal for harsh environment where signal integrity is crucial.This Designed for easy installed and scalability, the ADAM-4017 is a cost-efficient solution for industries such as energy monitoring,water treatment, manufacturing automation and environmental data logging. Whether you need precise temperature, pressure or flow monitoring, this module delivers reliable real-time data acquisition,enchancing operational efficienncy and decision-making in industrial processes.The built to perform in hars industrial condition, The ADAM-4017 incudes 3000 VDC isolution protection.This makes it an ideal solution for remote monitoring and control applications in industries like manufacturing, utilities, energy managment, and environment monitoring.

Installation is made easy with DIN-rail mounting and a compact design allowing for quick development in controle panels and distributed data acquistion systems. The ADAM-4017 is also highly scalable, enabiling users to expand their monitoring capabilition by adding multiple modules to their network.

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