New version of product:

Our new ARS has been improved and now comes in yellow transportable professional hardcase. For easier controls, no joystick is needed anymore; scanning process can be started directly on the device

Our Advanced Resistivity Scanner (ARS) allows you to look for metals with discrimination (gold, copper, silver, iron), gold veins, minerals, caves/voids and even water. This is achieved through resistivity analysis. Resistivity is an intrinsic property that quantifies how strongly a given material opposes the flow of electric current. This technique is used on construction and archeology. The ARS will send electrical current in the soil thanks to 2 or 4 probes for theorically depth up to 200 meters ! Then it will analyse the results of the bounced signal layer by layer. It will determine what is the most important component below your feet whether it's water, void, minerals or metal.


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