Vacuum Tray Dryer (VTD): Efficient Drying Solution for Heat-Sensitive Materials

Drying is one of the most frequently used methods for food preservation due to prevention of microorganisms’ growth and reduction of moisture-mediated deteriorative reactions at low water activity. In addition, food drying provides numerous benefits, such as formation of desirable texture and physical properties, extending shelf life, and minimizing packaging, storage, and transportation costs.

From the traditional to the most innovative, there are several drying solutions for the industrial process. Depending on the needs, the processing time, the product final quality or the efficiency of the process can vary considerably.

Drying is an essential material processing procedure. It can be technically defined as the vaporization of absorbed moisture from wet materials. It is a simultaneous heat and mass transfer process that may be accomplished by several mechanisms. Heat is transferred to the material, which causes the absorbed water to vaporize. The evaporated water is then transferred to and carried by the surrounding air or inert gas. The humidity or moisture content of the surrounding air increases after the process. The total weight of the material decreases after the process, and the moisture-free weight is constant throughout. 

We are popular and leading manufacturer of Vacuum Tray Dryers of different shapes and sizes. Vacuum Tray Dryer is a static type of dryer used in various industries under vacuum atmosphere to dry temperature sensitive materials as well as pharmaceutical and allied products. It gives complete drying and vaporization of moisture of the product.The Tray Dryer offered by us is used for diverse drying applications like pharmaceutical, Herbal, chemical, food, electrodes, bakery, plastic & powders and drying of pigments. The Drying time is too long to maintain the basic quality of material may be 12 to 48 hours as per process specifications. Hot water or steam is allowed to pass through hollow shelves which improve the efficiency of drying process. The temperature of process is fully controlled and kept near to boiling point of drying cycle.

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