Distribution Monitoring and Protection Unit // PRECITECH SYSTEMS

Distribution Monitoring and Protection Unit

A system or equipment used in electrical distribution networks to monitor and protect the distribution of electricity. It is designed to enhance the reliability, safety, and efficiency of electrical distribution by detecting faults, overloading, and other issues that could disrupt the supply.

Key functions of a DMP include:

  • Monitoring: Continuously tracks the operational parameters of the distribution system, including voltage, current, power, and frequency. This allows for real-time visibility into the performance of the network.
  • Protection: Identifies faults (such as short circuits, overloads, or ground faults) and isolates them quickly to prevent damage to the equipment and reduce downtime.
  • Control: It can remotely control circuit breakers or other devices to prevent further damage or improve system stability.
  • Data Logging: Collects and stores data for analysis, enabling engineers to review performance trends, identify recurring issues, and optimize the system.
  • Alarms and Notifications: Provides alerts for abnormal conditions, allowing for faster response times and preventing extensive damage.
This document details the technical specifications of the DMP (Distribution, Monitoring and Protection Unit).
Main functions of DMP are
a. Distribution of AC power.
b. Generation and Monitoring of DC supply to the PCMs for C-Band & X-Band arrays.\c. Overload protection for supply to the PCMs
d. Generation of 11V, +/-20V and 26V DC supply.
e. Fuse blown feedbacks and supply controls.


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