Gautham Enterprises/Norisys Switches


Norisys Switches

CUBE Series switches have contacts which provide very high current carrying capacity. The contact design, snap action mechanism, appropriate contact pressure, wiping action between the contacts and use of high engineering grade materials result in minimum arcing. Reduction in arcing ensures a very long operating life for the switches.Proper shrouding of terminals and current carrying parts is provided in all switches and sockets. Since the live parts are separated by thermoset material, they are prevented from fusing together in case of any over-heating

Architecture of modern hotels and hospitals makes the highest demand for design and function of electrical installations. Norisys offers high-end products suited for the hospitality industry. CUBE Series installations do not only look good, they are also ideally convenient to operate. Especially for use in hotels and hospitals where one seeks quiet and wellbeing. It is important to have fittings that stand for good feeling.Products like Shaver Sockets, Key Card Switches, Call bell system with register, Buzzers, Speakers for Music circuits, Step Marker Night Light, Do Not Disturb and Clean My Room dedicated switches, Bell Switch, Do Not Disturb & Clean My Room connections provide the necessary convenience for guests in hotels

Norisys engineers developed a unique ring-shaped spring which solves the frequently occurring problem of burnouts in power sockets. Norisys sockets feature this ring-shaped spring which maintains a uniform pressure on the brass contact tubes. This pressure clamps the plug pins tightly leading to a firm spark-free contact, thus eliminating overheating and consequential burnouts.CUBE Series sockets are child protected. Safety shutters have been put in place to prevent any accidental contact with live parts thereby reducing risk of electric shocks.

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