Liquor packing machine manufacturers India

 Liquor packing machine manufacturers India:

 Cannon - 4S 2GN
Single head mechanically operated fully automatic form fill & seal machine to pack "Liquor" with heat sealable. Biodegradable film into pouches, with pump operated feeding system. Provision for batch coding is provided.

Technical Specifications
sed for Biodegradable filmsed for Biodegradable film
Upto 200ml35 - 40 ppto 200ml. 35 - 40 pouches/min.
3Production Speed35 to 40 pouches per min.
4Packing rangeUp to 200ml.
5Film WidthUp to 280 -mm /as per confirmation.
6Film Thickness60 to 80 microns.
7Film MaterialBiodegradable film.
8Sealer heating systemContinuous.
9Inner Core Dia. of Film Roll70mm.
10Outer Dia. of the Film RollUpto 350mm.
11Pouch StyleThree Side / Four side sealing.
12Pouch WidthUp to 150 m up to 140 mm max /as per confirmationm.
13Pouch Lengthup to 145 mm max/as per confirmation.
14Power Consumption1.0kW / Hour.
15Peak Power3 KW.
16Power requirementSingle Phase, 220 V, 50Hz.
17Cooling Water requirement5100Lt/hr cooling water requires.
18Pouch CounterProvided.
19Machine DimensionsHeight - 60" x Width - 45" x Length - 45" mm.
20Net Weight380 kg's (Approx).


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