Build Structure - PEB sheds & Roofing sheets in Hyderabad

 Build Structure - PEB sheds & Roofing sheets:

 Build Structure (BS) is a leading company in India in the segment of Pre-Engineered Metal buildings. The company was established in India in the year 2005 and has full-fledged manufacturing unit - at Medchal near Hyderabad. BS offers turnkey solution to their Clients in the Design, Engineering, Manufacture, Supply and Completion of Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings. We have a full-fledged Design and Engineering group working from the premises of our Office located at Medchal near Hyderabad.
Our factory has the facility to fabricate all the components for a standard PEB. The factory deals in Built Up and Hot Rolled Sections as well as on Roll Formed and Press formed Cold Formed Sections including sheeting. We thereby address the full requirements of a Pre-Engineered Building in house barring buying of insulation, skylights and fixing accessories from outside.
BS has established a wide clientele across the country and has earned the reputation of being a high end and dependable Pre-Engineered Building (PEB) Manufacturer, rated amongst the first few in the Country. The PEBs being supplied by us serve various building categories as for example, Factory Buildings, Warehouses, Administrative Complexes, Show Rooms or Auditoriums.
Our PEBs can cater to special requirements such as applicable to air conditioned premises, sound control, and hygienic environment for pharmaceutical companies, fire proof rating for the structure, rust resistant protection, insulation and liner for controlling heat, ventilation requirements through natural ridge ventilation or turbo-vents, natural lights via translucent panels, enable collateral load to be loaded on the roof members, overhead cranes (even of high capacity), provide extremely wide unsupported spans for space utilization, high eave heights for the building, mezzanine floor with steel decking to facilicate concrete flooring staircases and such. Our designs can after to International codes as well as India codes.
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