Cannon - 100 4S

Cannon - 100 4S
Canflex Engineering Pvt Ltd offers AFFS Packaging Machine, Cannon-100 4S. Model Cannon-100 4S is a fully automatic FFS machine to pack any free flow and viscous liquids like oil, shampoo, lubricant and any other alcoholic beverages, etc., in any heat sealable laminated poly sachets. The machine of 4S series is of unique high-speed single track and twin track with individual operation AFFS system, low operational cost leading to economy in packaging. The machine is designed to produce three sides or four sides sealing on any heat sealable laminated film. All contact parts are made of stainless steel, smooth and easy to clean and sanitable surface, easy to service. This machine is equipped with photocell control system which can automatically adjusted film length, hence saving the negligible film wastages. The production speed is 45-50 pouches per minute with feeding head of piston filling system. The packing range is 30-200 ml with fill width up to 250 mm and film thickness is 40-75 microns. The film material is laminated and pouch style is either three side or fours side sealing with pouch width up to 125 mm. Net weight of the machine is 350 kg approximately.


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